New I94 by visiting Canada for 1 month


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Please post if you have had any experice with this:

My parents are here on B2 visa. POE officer gave I94 for 3 months only. Can they visit Canada for a month (30 days +) and return to US and get a new I94. They plan to go via Air to Toronto and we heard that we can submit the I94 at US Airport and they will get new I94 at Toronto US Immigration.

They have a 10yr multi entry B2 visa ; they also have 3 year multi entry Canda visa.

Please let me know if somebody has a similar experience at the Toronto Preclearance POE. [Note: We need new I-94 for 2 more months only ==> total stay in N.America = 6 months ; Initial 3 months US + 1 Month Canada + 2 months in US ] so we need the I94 for the 2 months only.

Plan is to send them by Air in last week of current I-94 ; and they would give the Airlines the I-94 , stay in Canada for 31 days ; then fly back to US.