New FY

bringslite said:
Does that mean new cut-off date will be announced in October?
Sometimes before and sometimes after. watch the processing dates as we get closer to october
Last time they changed it in August 2003

The last time they changed the processing dates (to Nov 16, 1999) was in August 2003 which is really weird. That was 2 months before new FY started and now, 10 months into this FY there is still no change.

Alex_e38 said:
The last time they changed the processing dates (to Nov 16, 1999) was in August 2003 which is really weird. That was 2 months before new FY started and now, 10 months into this FY there is still no change.


Remember, last time they had to fo something because of the lawsuit ...
nofreedom said:
Remember, last time they had to fo something because of the lawsuit ...

I noticed this too.

The cut of dates were changed fraquently at that time they prepared for court. After the lost the lawsuit, they have been really slack and careless.

Time for another lawsuit againt them.