Never received the copy of approval notice


Registered Users (C)
We did not receive our copy of our approval notice, but our lawyer did. Took that for stamping.
My question is do I have to call INS that I never received or just keep quiet as our passports are stamped and we made sure during stamping that our cards are sent to our address by giving our address to the officer.
Any suggestions and please no sarcastic comments, as I know everybody is waiting as we did. Sometimes you just feel that waiting never ends.
we are at the same address since the labor process started.
Just my opinion...

as long as the lawyer will let you keep his copy for your records, you should be fine.

But also call INS and make sure they have the correct address for you. Maybe that's the reason your approval notice didn't arrive?
Thankyou. today called INS, a lady read out our address and said it has been mailed and and it is not INS problem that we didn't receive, it is postal department's problem, she said "address your grievances to them that you didn't receive, and take care of it as you have to receive the plastic card ". So once the message changes to cards ordered, we may have to ask the postoffice to hold our mail for certain period of time.
Problems never end.