Need your sugesstion please ..Very urgent


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One of my friend is going to india for marrage.he applied for 485 and finger printing is also over.his rd date is october 1 st for with in 3 months he is going to he is going to india for marrage and he wants to bring her on h4 and he wants to add her in gc.girls parents are asking me is it possible to add at this stage.He is telling it is possible and he is telling he consulted his lwayer.i am doubtful about this case.what is your expert it possible to bring her on h4 and add.other wise statying back in india after marrage for long time after marrage is no meaning.girl parents are asking me and i am asking you .can you pl post your opinion.
thanks in advance
Yes. If it is within a month.

He can bring her here as long it is not approved.

He can add her as soon as she comes here. He has to be prepared with the documents like Birth certificate/marriage cert etc.

The sooner the better. If it does get approval before the wedding... well we dont wanna go there!
Yes it is possible.....

if marriage takes place before his GC approval.

As mentioned in the previous post, earlier the wedding it better. Before leaving to India, ask him to get a Dr\'s appointment date for his future wife so that as soon as he returns, can do medical immediately and submit her application form.

Though I have one doubt, what about girl\'s ITIN or SSN number?, Can we file I485 without that?.
Possible only

if he has a valid H1 stamped or approval notice of H1. He cannot bring her with him if his working on his EAD or his H1 has expired.