Need Urgent help on I140


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hi ,
My labor was filed with Company A in Dec 2003. I had left that company in Feb '04 and joined Company B .(iam not sure of the category it was filed )

Company B filed a new PERM labor in EB2 in dec '05 and was approved in March 06.
My I40 was filed on May 9 '06 and is still in process.

NOw my labor filed in '03 with Company A has also been approved
Q1. How would i know whether the labor filed with Company A is EB2 or EB3?
Q2. How would i know the priority date of that labor application?
Q3. Can i still keep my i140 with the current employer which is in process?
Q4. My h1 with my current compnay is expiring on Feb' 07.

Can some gurus help me in answering these questions?

eb2nersu said:
hi ,
My labor was filed with Company A in Dec 2003. I had left that company in Feb '04 and joined Company B .(iam not sure of the category it was filed )

Company B filed a new PERM labor in EB2 in dec '05 and was approved in March 06.
My I40 was filed on May 9 '06 and is still in process.

NOw my labor filed in '03 with Company A has also been approved
Q1. How would i know whether the labor filed with Company A is EB2 or EB3?
you would have to ask the lawyer/company who is the petitioner.
You can also use FOIA
Q2. How would i know the priority date of that labor application?
you would have to ask the lawyer/company who is the petitioner.
You can also use FOIA.

Q3. Can i still keep my i140 with the current employer which is in process?
Not sure what you mean by keep my I140 with the current employer, are you planning to port the earlier PD from company A? If thats the case, you need to have an approved 140 from company A to do that as PD is assigned once your I140 is approved.
Q4. My h1 with my current compnay is expiring on Feb' 07.
and the question here is ?Can some gurus help me in answering these questions?

MY I140 is still in process and my h1 expires in feb2007.
How early should i file for my extension , incase my I140 is approved or not?

Please let me know,

You can apply H1 Ext in last 180 day of existing h1 expiry date.

eb2nersu said:
MY I140 is still in process and my h1 expires in feb2007.
How early should i file for my extension , incase my I140 is approved or not?

Please let me know,

Thanks for your reply.
I am happy to share that my I140 was approved yesterday 0ct 19 .
it took 6 months and 10 days for the whole approval process.
I need to get my H1 extended while waiting for the dates to be current.