need to keep paperwork


New Member
I recieved my greencard and subsequentially my citizenship. My question is, do I need to keep all copies of paperwork files and recieved during the process? I was just looking in my filing cabinet and have a ton of it. I"d like to get rid of it, but wasn't sure if there was any reason , like taxes, that we should hold on to it.
Any advice?
I think it is good idea to keep it around. You never know when it might be useful. If you don't want to keep most of the physical paperwork you might consider scanning it, encrypt it and then keep a few encrypted digital copies around. Anyway, keeping the documents might be better.

As an example of usefulness I applied for a copy of my A file through a FOIA request and they sent me a letter asking me for copies of document or documents I received from USCIS in the past, so they would be sure I was the right person. They also asked me for my parents names and birthdates. Of course I know their names and birthdates, but I wasn't sure if the GC paperwork had full names, or initials. It is good I had the right documents to refer back. Could I have solved this in other manner if I didn't have the paperwork? Sure. Would have meant more work to solve it in another way? Probably.

My 2 cents.
I have the same question but I am not sure if I agree with Huracan. I mean I too have tons of documents all the way from last 15 years when I first came on a visitor's visa and then a series of visas and green card. I plan to shred everything except the approval notice of my GC and the naturalization certificate. What do others think?
I recently was asked about port of entry and date in some dealing with USCIS. I think it's good to preserve that documentation. Otherwise if someone asks you about something related to entry, visitor visa, or something else you won't have a clue, and might be denied or delayed in obtaining a benefit. At least scan the documents and store them in an encrypted flash drive or something like that.
I have been in US 25 years. Arrived with Student Visa, changed to H1B, Greencard, and now a Citizen. I have all my paperwork and their copies. Just put them in a box and store it in corner or closet in case I need it for some reason down the road. who know why it would be handy. It may have nothing to do with immigration and you may be able to use it for somethings else. I'm planning on keeping all my paper work for about 10 years or so. It's not bothering anyone sitting in closet.