Need SRC# with ND early Aug/July 2001


Registered Users (C)
My ND is 08/27/01 and wanted to see if any one on this board has an ND a few weeks before mine. I wanted to do an analysis of the approval/recieved % of your ND versus mine.

Please let me know what your SRC -01-xxx number is
(I just need the 1st 5 numbers).


for ND 8/27
Approval ~ 74 (7 after 4/03)
Recieved/pending ~ 100
FP done/pending ~ 150
Mine is src-01252-xxxxx. I am waiting for AP. Can you tell me how to do the macro in the spreadsheet?

Even my ND is on same day of yours.

ND: 08/27/01
FP : Jan'03 (Never updated on AVM/online)
Applied 3rd EAD and AP last week

My PD 05/98, I485 ND is 08/30/01. FP done on 3/10/03 ..status updated as FP received on 3/20. SRC0125750xxx.
My PD is 06/97 (yeah a veteran when it comes to waiting), I485 ND is 08/22/01. FP done on 3/20/03 ..status updated as FP received on 3/20. SRC0125050xxx.
Rd 08/17/2001

Here is my SRC-01246 xxxx ,my RD 08/17/2001 and FP 04/18/2003 applied for third EAD and got approved last week.


My receipt number is SRC01231-5xxxx.

RD: 5/16/2001

ND: 7/31/2001

FP: 2/03/2003 (AVM updated; manual request 01/17/2003)
FP: 2/XX/03
3 EADs !
2 APS ... 3rd under process
AD : TSC needs to throw the dice in my favor

Looks like folks within the May to Sept range are stuck once again !

Any idea what is the basis for TSC now? RD/ND or FP?
My ND is 8/15/01, RD 6/26/01.

The findings of my original script as shown on a previous post that I ran on 4/28/03:

"I ran it from SRC 01-244-52300-53000. 56 cases submitted on that day, 22 were approved but back in Jan-Mar of 2002. 1 case approved in June of 2002. No approvals for the past 10 months. Very sad and pathetic.

12 cases had FP recieved in the past 4 months, including mine and my wifes. We can only hope something will happen soon.
19 still in Recieved only status, and 2 transfers. I guess I can be thankful that my fingerprinting is at least complete!

Keep the faith everyone."

I then updated on 6/03/01 with this post:

"6 weeks ago I ran a script of 700 numbers based around my SRC number. There were 12 cases with FP's done and waiting, including spouse and me. I found one of those were approved on May 19th.

Out of the 20 that were still in received status, 4 have now done FP.

Rant mode on:

The approvals I seem to have read about are 2002 cases. Sorry guys; and I'm sure I'll be flamed for this, but I'm sick of reading about 2002 filers asking when they'll be approved. Lets get the 2001 filers out of the way first. I'll be on day 730 in a couple of weeks. Considering my I797 notice states it takes 240-365 days for approval, they're a little behind."

Hope this helps your analysis. I'll check the numbers again tomorrow and let you know if there were any changes in the past few weeks.
No bickering guy's,

The reason for some 2002/2003 aprovals may be because of availble visa numbers for that financial year for a perticular category of cases.

Check this from State Department site


1. This bulletin summarizes the availability of immigrant numbers during June. Consular officers are required to report to the Department of State documentarily qualified applicants for numerically limited visas; the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security reports applicants for adjustment of status. Allocations were made, to the extent possible under the numerical limitations, for the demand received by June 6th in the chronological order of the reported priority dates. If the demand could not be satisfied within the statutory or regulatory limits, the category or foreign state in which demand was excessive was deemed oversubscribed. The cut-off date for an oversubscribed category is the priority date of the first applicant who could not be reached within the numerical limits. Only applicants who have a priority date earlier than the cut-off date may be allotted a number. Immediately that it becomes necessary during the monthly allocation process to retrogress a cut-off date, supplemental requests for numbers will be honored only if the priority date falls within the new cut-off date.

2. Section 201 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) sets an annual minimum family-sponsored preference limit of 226,000. The worldwide level for annual employment-based preference immigrants is at least 140,000 . Section 202 prescribes that the per-country limit for preference immigrants is set at 7% of the total annual family-sponsored and employment-based preference limits, i.e., 25,620. The dependent area limit is set at 2%, or 7,320

3. Section 203 of the INA prescribes preference classes for allotment of immigrant visas as follows:


First: Unmarried Sons and Daughters of Citizens: 23,400 plus any numbers not required for fourth preference.

Second: Spouses and Children, and Unmarried Sons and Daughters of Permanent
Residents: 114,200, plus the number (if any) by which the worldwide family preference level exceeds 226,000, and any unused first preference numbers:

A. Spouses and Children: 77% of the overall second preference limitation,
of which 75% are exempt from the per-country limit;

B. Unmarried Sons and Daughters (21 years of age or older): 23% of the overall second preference limitation.

Third: Married Sons and Daughters of Citizens: 23,400, plus any numbers not required by first and second preferences.

Fourth: Brothers and Sisters of Adult Citizens: 65,000, plus any numbers not required by first three preferences.


First: Priority Workers: 28.6% of the worldwide employment-based
preference level, plus any numbers not required for fourth and fifth preferences.

Second: Members of the Professions Holding Advanced Degrees or Persons of Exceptional Ability: 28.6% of the worldwide employment-based preference level, plus any numbers not required by first preference.

Third: Skilled Workers, Professionals, and Other Workers: 28.6% of the worldwide level, plus any numbers not required by first and second preferences, not more than 10,000 of which to "Other Workers."

Fourth: Certain Special Immigrants: 7.1% of the worldwide level.

Fifth: Employment Creation: 7.1% of the worldwide level, not less than 3,000 of which reserved for investors in a targeted rural or high-unemployment area, and 3,000 set aside for investors in regional centers by Sec. 610 of P.L. 102-395.

4. INA Section 203(e) provides that family-sponsored and employment-based preference visas be issued to eligible immigrants in the order in which a petition in behalf of each has been filed. Section 203(d) provides that spouses and children of preference immigrants are entitled to the same status, and the same order of consideration, if accompanying or following to join the principal. The visa prorating provisions of Section 202(e) apply to allocations for a foreign state or dependent area when visa demand exceeds the per-country limit. These provisions apply at present to the following oversubscribed chargeability areas: MEXICO, INDIA and PHILIPPINES.
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There is no bickering, just a statement of facts. And what you presented does not apply. Employment based categories have been current for over 18 months. This means that any 2001 filer should be adjucated before a 2002 filer. Simple as that. The only exeception should have been an age-out case, and I highly doubt that all the 2002 cases approved were age-out.