Need some suggestions from I-140 gurus


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I-140 Gurus Please Help

I am planning to apply file I-140 EB2 category, NIW.
I am a postdoc in a well knwon institute, have >10 publications in top journals liek nature genetics, genes & development etc, have very good citations (>200) and also news views articles about my papers.
I hired a lawyer but he is dead slow and does not seem to be very knowledgeable. I am thinking of applying on my own. I would greatly appreciate if soem one experienced can input soem suggestions.
1). do you think it can done and what other things will I need to include in my i-140 petition?
2). how many recos I need? do they all have to be from US based sceintists?
3). I havent kept a copy of my old fellowship awards ) what to do?
4). How about the DOB certificate? do I need it now?
5). Do I need to include my wife in this application who is on an independent H1B? Do I need to fill any extra forms for that etc?
6). What is thsi do it yourself kit? will some one be willing to share?
7). Do I need to take memebership in some socitry (AACR, AAS etc ) or its not necessary?
8). what is order in which these attachments have to be put in? and all this bunch of papers can be just put together with a paper clamp and sent or need from filing?

thanks for you time
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Please Help

I posted this thread couple of days ago and so far no one has stepped forward to answer my queries. I am wondering if this forum is only meant for announcing the acceptance of your visa petitions or .........

I will highly appreciate if any kind soul can advise me on my queries.

My lawyer asked me for these

1) Experience letters for last three years prior to your current emloyer.
2) Your degree certificates
3) Your educational evaluation
4) and the signed 1-140 application form and personal details.
5) my w2 for last three years
6) 1040 Tax filing papers of my employer for the last three years.

To file I-140 , you don't need DOB certificates. Your wife will get added only in I-485 stage. I-140 is for you .

These are the things I know , I don't what other supporting documents he sent along with these. Hope these helps you.
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Thanks Pabhski

I have another questions. Can anyone please comment if I can apply in EB1-EA category since that is current at the moment.
Do you need reco letters etc to apply in this category too?
what else is required toapply inthsi category?
