Need some help


Registered Users (C)
Not sure if JoeF or some other expert can comment on this.

I work for a company A and subcontracted to C thru B (B being the middle man). Now B wants me to join directly and says if I do not join, they would terminate contract. Both A & B have agreed that I can join B. Now A wants a letter from me that I be released from any contractual obligations by mentioning that I have an offer from B (which I did not have as the process has not even started). Probably Company A wants to show that I have approched B for employment, where as I am being forced to do the swith by both A & B.

I would like to know if writing such letter ( they do not want this in email) is going to create problems in future from eith A or USCIS. I do not trust A at all as they manipulate things to their advantage all the time and there is a possibility that they might even start black mailing.

I have got the approval about a year back. In these circumstances, I am desparate to get out of this mess and am actively looking for employment else where.

Are they going to be any problems if I leave A and join XYZ.