Need some general adivise for my issue. Thanks


New Member
I currently work in the U.S. on an A2 visa. In a couple of months my job
will relocate to Europe. My questions are:

1. will I lose my A2 visa statusas soon as my job relocates, or by the given expiration date.

2. during thehold of an A2! visa I bought a co-op in the state of New York. What willhappen to my property after the visa has expired? And based on owning aco-op will I be able to keep my property and stay in the U.S.?

3. Do the laws and regulations of owning a co-op with the A2 visa apply
throughout the U.S.. Meaning if I live in one state suppose to another,
owning property, would I be able to continue my stay in the U.S..

Thank you for your help and looking forward to your responds.

What is your I-94 saying regarding your allowed period of stay?
If I-94 says D/S, you will lose your status at the same time as your government relocate you to another country regardless of visa experiation date.
However, you may be able to re-enter to US with valid A-2 stamp unless officer at POE become suspicious about your current status. With A-2 stamp, US-Visit program is not applicable. Mostly no question at POE, no FP and no photo taken. But purpose of visit to US must be offical business of your government.
Hope it helps.

Hi tmed,

thanks for the answer.
"D/S" is actually written down on the I-94 slip. What does D/S stand for?
How can I find out wheater my A2 visa is valid or not?

Which official office would be best to cantact regarding this issue? INS?


If your A-2 is multi-ently visa, it should be valid for 5 years but you can only use when you are in official business.

My Visa is valid 'till '07. Multiple entires. The really important thing is to know if I can stay till it expires then. But it looks like this queston has been answered. What other option do I have to keep coming to the US? After all I don't want to sell my property. Just a regular tourist visa? Is there anything better?
I do have a Social Security Number. Which gouverment Agency do I need to cantact for further infos?

Thanks for taking the time to write.
Provably following options may exist.

1 Combination with your offcial visit to US using A2
2 Getting B-2 or using visa waiver program if your contry is qualified
3 Apply for green card (it will take a time and may not be an option if you have no itnetion to immigrate to US tough)
