Need help !! Regarding Transit Visa .....interview on July 23rd


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I am having a tough time trying to finalize the tickets. As it is, its very difficult to get the seats. My problem is that the Visa on my and my wife\'s passport have expired. I have a receipt for the H1-B extension and my wife has her approved H1-B. Would we need transit visa for France and Germany?? If we do, how do we get it as the requirement to get a transit visa is a valid US visa !!!!!!

I need help desperately !!! Any help is greatly appreciated.

Even I have the same question. Whether we need transit visa or not. I\'m flying by Delta next month for my CP interview.

As per the website below, we do not need Transit visas.

I have pasted the text from the above site below:
You do not need an airport transit visa unless you are holder of a passport or a refugee travel document issued by one of the following countries:
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Bengladesh, Rep.of Congo, Erythrée, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Haïti, India (*), Irak, Iran, Liberia, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, and Palestinians holders of a travel document for refugee which has been issued by Egypt, Lebanon or Syria.
However, no airport transit visa is required if the citizens of the above-mentioned countries have a "refugee travel document", an "alien residency card", or a "permit to reenter" (Form I-327 rev: 06-13-96) issued by the USA, or a permanent visa in either of the countries of the European Union, or a residence permit in Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Monaco, Andorra, the Holy See, San Marino, Canada or Japan. This document should authorize you to re-enter the mentioned country without conditions.
(*) For citizens of India, the airport transit visa is not required, if they are holders of a valid visa issued by a country of the European Union and EEE (Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway Portugal, Spain, The United-Kingdom, and Sweden), Canada, Switzerland and the USA.
JK8 situation is that the visa on our pasports has expired !!!

We have the H1B ext receipt and Approved H1B (for my wife) ....

Is ur visa also expired ???
No transit visa required for Germany. Not sure about France......

Check with travel agent anyway .........

Expired US visa shouldn\'t be an issue going to India.

gcseeker02 !!
talked to AirFrance flight desk at JFK and Dulles ...

according to them as my visa on the passport has expired, I would need a transit visa !!!

Will check with Lufhtansa and let the board know. The German consulate website states that only if u have a valid US visa, then only you will not need a transit visa or else u need in my case i would probably need one to go to India but not on the way back...
If your I-94 card is expired and you did not stamp visa extesion on passport in US

then you can not fly through Germany (and probably France too) unless you have transit visa. I was told at Atlanta airport in Dec 2001 that I can not fly through Frankfurt as I had expired I-94. I had extension petition and which I planned to get stamped in Mumbai. Delta rerouted us via London. There was no problem while coming back through Frankfurt as by then we had stamped US visa on passports.

For those who do not have stamped US valid visa on their passport need to fly through London or Amsterdam. Both these countries allow flying without transit visas.
While coming back to US, we won\'t need transit visa as we will have valid entry permit (immigration visa) to enter US.
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Better get the transit visa...

I have an expired visa stamp in the passport although I do have a valid H1 and I94. I emailed to the German consulate and they indicated that I do need the transit visa. You can apply for a transit visa if you have a valid I94, even though their website mentions "valid visa" as one of the requirements.

I just got mine done last week. Few points to take care of...

1) Make sure that you notirize the application. The stupid people at the German consulate returned my entire application because the it was not notarized. They don\'t bother mentioning this point either on the application or on their website.

2) If you are married and also applying for your spouse, inlcude a copy of the marriage certificate.

3) Include either the originals or certified copies of all the paperwork (including marriage certificate, I94 etc.) I went to a natory here to get my copied certified, but they said they could not certify certain kind of paperwork citing some Texas state law. So I sent in the originals of the H1 and H4 approvals and the marriage certificate.

4) They return back the passports and any originals within a day of two of them receiving it. In my case, the fees were $34 ($10 each for myself and my spouse and $14 for mailing the passports back).

Let me know if you have any more questions and I will try to answer them.
Thanks for all the info guys ...

I finally ditched the French and the German ... talked to both consulates and they need me to get a transit visa as even my i-94 are expired but those "idiots" can\'t also issue me a transit visa as I have the expired stamp and I-94 !!!! CATCH22 !!! They SUCK big time !!!

No wonder the poor illegals can\'t get out the country because of these absurd rules !!! (Just kidding!!)

Honestly I liked AirFrance when I travelled to Paris last year and had a good vacation but now I have to settle for some other airlines ...

Hope this helps those who are similar situation to mine ...
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Even the Swiss need the transit visa for those with expired Visa and I-94

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Yes, I do agree that it is really stupid...

One of my friends was returning back to India for good and he had to change his plans at the last minute because of the new rules. Imagine requiring a valid US visa for flying back to your home country!! He did not even need a US visa because he was going back for good, but these are the rules. I hope that there are enough people like you who decide to ditch the airline and they realize how much money/tourism they are losing by imposing such ridiculous restrictions.
Their reasoning..

IMHO, Their reasoning is that if you have a valid US visa (hence the option of returning to the US), then you wont try to illegally enter or seek asylum at their POE\'s..
yes, afraid of the hordes descending

Germany (and neighbor Austria) has always been wary of non-blue eyed visitors. I would take my business to the airline and country that does not automatically assume that non US citizen travellers from the US would stay back in their country.
what if I dont hv transit visa?

would the problem be at connecting airport or would it be that the airline won't let me board the plane while departing from USA?
what r the consequences?
what if I dont hv transit visa?

would the problem be at connecting airport or would it be that the airline won\'t let me board the plane while departing from USA? what r the consequences?

Guys, is a Transit visa required for Germany if the Visa on the Passport is valid, but I-94 has expired?