Need Help Pleasee


Registered Users (C)

I have Canadian Immigration Visa for me and my wife expiring in February 2005. Is there any way to have extension of VISA?

The problem is I am on F1 Visa in USA and also have Immigration Petition filed by my US Citizen Parents. So I doubt that I will not be allowed to enter back in USA on my F1 Status.

Thanks all,
Bobby - No way

There is no way unless they extend for humanitarian reasons for a very serious issue ex you are in Hospital ER and you show them proof that you had bought ticket and intended to land in advance. Very slim chance
Cant you use contiguous territory rule to reenter ? dont apply for US visa in Canada
Contiguous territory rule

My understanding of this rule is that as long as you have a valid I94 and valid status (ie never been out of status) you can visit Canada, Mexico and adjoining islands (like Bahamas, Jamaica etc) for less than 30 days and reenter back into the US as long as you dont apply for a visa in any of these places.
So lets say you go to Canada and want to come back in less than 30 days as long as you dont apply for and denied visa at US consulate there you can reenter.
This applies only tyo countries who are not state supporters of terrorism ( or was that special registration).
Anyway I have never used this myself and I am not a lawyer so not sure if this rule has changed or not.
Thanks for your reply. Another question though - Can a person use this rule if he/she has valid I94 with approval notice, but with the expired visa in the passport?
Thanks again.