Need Help please.....

dr. imran

New Member
Hi there. I posted this topic initially in the physician's section but didn't get any reply over there. So I am posting it here again with the hope that I'll get a prompt reply this time.


Hi there. I'm new to this forum and joined with the hope that it'll help me. Me and my wife both are doctors by profession currently settled in Saudi Arabia. We are done with the USMLE Step-I and are currently working for Step-II. My wife is a US citizen and I am a Pakistani National. We applied for immigiration and are already through with the I-130 petition. Now for the second step of immigration process, we have to submit the security clearance stuff and the I-864. Since my wife is here with me in Saudi Arabia and isn't currently working and I am the only one who' s working here, we have a problem with the sponsorship thing as we need to show an asset worth of 55,000$ i.e. three times above the poverty line ( which is a way to big amount :confused: ). Now I had a couple of concerns for which I hope someone can guide us.....

1- We have some jewelery and I own a car here as well. Besides that I dont have much in the bank. Will these be counted???? What shall I do??? Will my annual salary make any difference???

2- If we look for a co-sponsor, then what are the problems which we and the co-sponsor may face????

3- After taking Step-II CK, I will be applying for the CS and for that I have to visit US for sure. Which visa'd be suitable for that????????

4- If anyone can help suggesting us an easy and simple way keeping in mind our circumstances, I shall be really grateful.

Looking forward to hear soon. Thanks.......
dr. imran;1956194 2- If we look for a co-sponsor said:
Dr. Imran,

If you can find a co-sponsor to meet the requirements, I don't see any any issue that either you or the co-sponsor could face any problems. Nowadays every other person who cannot meet the requirements on form I-864, finds a co-sponsor to help them out and fill I-864a.

InshaAllah things will workout for you. Good luck.
Since your wife is US citizen, why does she not just move to US and get a job. She should then be easily able to fulfill the sponsorship requirements. She need not work as a physician since it sounds like she does not have a US license; her education should make it possible for her to find something that pays enough to solve the problem.

A co-sponsor must have an income sufficient to meet the requirements for their family plus you. In addition, any other people that they have sponsored are counted in that number. They are responsible for your support in the event you were to happen to become a public charge. That is a big favor to ask of anyone - even close relatives especially if they have a family.