Need help ...on H1 Ext after 6 years


Registered Users (C)
Seems like I messed up here. Here is my story. I came to US on Oct 10 2000. But my H1 was Dec 08 2006. I got my i140 approved on Oct 3rd 2006 and send my 3 year H1 extention on Oct 18th 2006. Since my I94 has date of Oct 08th 2000 by virtue of it my 6 year should have ended on Oct 7th 2006 (I did not realized it since my H1 was valid till Dec 08th 2006). I went to home country for 3 week in Dec 2000 since I went thru Canada ( I was Canadian resident) so I did not have to get new I94.

My questions are
will my H1 will get extended ? (If no, Will I be able to argu that I stated three week out of country, which should deduct out of my 6 year stay)
Am I out of status ?

Any advice/remarks will be highly appriciated.