Need Help In Fingerprint


New Member
Hi every one, pls I need help. I received a letter from CANADA Consulate General in NY that the interview has been waved and they ask me to do the medical checkup and the FBI finger print , I sent a letter for the FBI office asking them to send me cards for finger prints since 2 weeks and I received nothing plsssss advice how can I got these cards , I have only 90 days to send these documents to NY , thanks all . Ammar :confused:
You may contact a police station in your area and ask them to take your fingureprints. (Some police stations may not willing to do that). Some sherrif's office also take the fingureprints. There are some private agencies which are authorized by FBI to take the fingureprints.

In all these cases, you may get forms there itself. You need not wait for Blank forms from FBI.

In my case, I had fingureprints taken from Sherrif's office when I was working in VT (I paid $15) and my wife's by Private agency in Boston (paid $25)

You may search for private agencies in your area on internet.

All the best!!!