Need help for my friend


New Member
I'm not sure where to post this question.....

My girlfried came here on a visitors visa several years back. Now she has a two year old daughter who was born here. She wants to become a citizen or get another visa, how would she go about doing so since she's been here so long illegally. She's afraid to do anything because she thinks that she would get deported back to Belize.

I'm a citizen, and just really want to help my friend, but i'm ignorant in this subject and don't know where she should start.

Please help me help her.
I don't see which visa can be since she already accrue an illegal presence. The other way is through a family member; the problem is that her daughter must be at least 21 yrs old, so she (the mother) can benefit for immigration pourposes from her daughter.
Good luck,
She is deportable. She needs to go home apply for the correct immigrant visa. She is public charge, if she had her child in the USA and did not pay for all her medical expense.