Need help: FBI says name check was completed 2 years ago but USCIS denies it


New Member
I applied for n-400 IN 2002. Since then I have been waiting. When I check with INS, they always say that they are waitiing for name check/G-325 A check to be completed. However, last week I finally received a response from FBI that they completed the check and submitted the results to USCIS in 2003 ???? When I tell this to INS - they say that they can't comment on FBI's statement ?

Please help ? Any ideas beyond contacting the Senator's office ?
try to meet the district director and show them the fbi email. even if they lost the origional response from fbi, they can submit a new expeidated request which fbi can finish in days. You have to demand that from the district director. You can hire a lawyer to call CIS lawyer and most prob. they will resovle it without going to court
FI statement

It appears as though there is some comments from FBI & that is why USCIS is not issuing the citizenship.