Need help badly!


New Member
I am a friend of a couple from Columbia who are now living in the US. The husband came to US on a educational visa and completed it in May 2010. Since then he has applied for a work Visa and was granted it for one year. He is currently working part-time but needs full time employment. He was a doctor in Columbia and his lawyer in the US told him that he had to get a full time job in the medical field with at least a 4 year degree needed for the job.

His daughter lives in the US with her mother, who is the ex-wife of the gemtleman I am talking about. His ex-wife married a US citizen and was able to come to the US that way. If this gentleman and his new wife are sent back to Columbia they will not be able to see the daughter again.

Also, the reason they left Columbia was because they were captured by gorilla's and held hostage to provide medical care for them. They barley escaped with their lives. I can not see how they can go back without being killed.

What does he or his wife need to do to be aqble to stay in the US? Would the J1 Visa help and how does it work?
If they fear persecution they can apply for political asylum if all else fails, Is the abduction event documented and supported by any police reports?