Need Assistance with Green Card Process


New Member
I'm a Canadian citizen (32 years old) currently working/living in Indiana, USA on a L1-B visa. I've been in Indiana now for 3 years (since Oct 2002) and just had my L1-B renewed for another 2 years (good until Oct 2007). I had moved to Indiana from Toronto, Canada. I only have a 2 year college degree in business obtained in Canada, but have about 13 years experience in the computer field. My job title currently is "Global Systems Administrator".

What is the process (forms/procedures) I need to take to get my green card, and how long does each process take? Assistance would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. My company just started the process of posting my current job in the newspaper to see if a US citizen can fill the job. Unfortunately I don't have any direct communication with the layer that is starting this process, therefore I can't ask any questions.