Need Advice- Visitor Visa Rejected Once


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Hello Folks,
Here is a Scenario . My mother in law (leass than 60 yrs old) applied for visitor visa at Mumbai Consulate . I was the sponserer. Despite of all proof of property , Bank Balance etc. her visa application was rejected with 214(b).

My father in law is more than 60 yrs. old . He is eligibile for drop box. He has not yet applied for visa (NEVER).

My Aim is to call my mother in law . I am wondering what is the best approach ?

Option 1:- Father in law applies alone , gets his visa then mother in law applies based on her husbands visa.

Option 2:- Mother in law applies alone and takes her 2nd chance.

Option 3 :- Mohter in law and Father in law both apply together .

I am not sure which way to go. Does any one has similar situation before ? Any past experiences ? OPinions ? Please help me folks, I am counting on You all. Thanks.
If i where in your position, I will go with Option 3.

I have seen so many success cases for Option3 then any other option.

Good Luck.