Need advice urgently


Registered Users (C)

Plz help. My application reached USCIS on the 30th and was sent back saying no visa dates were available. We sent back the appliation contesting that the very same day we received it. Now we got back the application again stating that the I-485 form was out of date (I-485 form was valid until end of 9/30), but it was current when we sent it.

How do we appeal this. We are planing to send both the old and the new application, but do we have to send new fees too? (fees change from 26th oct).

Any other help in contesting this is very much appreciated.

The smartest thing would be to find lawyer which guarantees he can help you. Otherwise no service fee for him/her.
If you want to get any advice from forum, you should post more details. What category you applied under? What form you used, what fee you sent. When did you send , how did you send. Do you have tracking number? and so on... That info would help somebody to give you the advice.
For the info submitted and assumptions I made - most likely you are out of luck.
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I agree a lawyer would be your best bet. Also you should show proof that the mail did reach USCIS on 9/30, which is pretty difficult to do in itself unless you did registered mail, FedEx, etc.