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We got approved and got stamped 9/3/03
my question is whether I can move out of state now...
if I do will my actual greencard be forwarded to my new mail?

Or if I change the address at INS can they cancel my approval or something....

Should I stay at my current residence until Iget the plastic?

Please give me some advice/ experience

Thank you
USCIS mails are generally first class mails.
USPS can forward all express Mail, priority Mail and First-Class Mail (such as cards and letters) for one year.
However this is a decision you have to make. They cannot cancel your approval simply because you moved, however looking at USCIS lately, it just might just get delayed.

Can someone who received the card please confirm about the first class mail Q ?

Originally posted by super_yoshi_200

We got approved and got stamped 9/3/03
my question is whether I can move out of state now...
if I do will my actual greencard be forwarded to my new mail?

Or if I change the address at INS can they cancel my approval or something....

Should I stay at my current residence until Iget the plastic?

Please give me some advice/ experience

Thank you
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Though there is a 99% chance that USPS will forward the card to your new address, that is an error on the USPS's part that you are relying upon! USPS is NOT supposed to forward any INS mail; they ought to be returned to INS.

The best course of action would be to file a change of address which you will be doing any way in order to remain compliant with INS rules.

I would rather do it right and bear the delay than try some short-cut and be affected by it.

My 2 cents ...
Thanks! This is something I have wanted to know since a long time. How does USPS know that USCIS mail is not to be forwarded. It does not say on the letter. Is this something that USCIS instructs the USPS to do.
I am planning to move too and have this question.

Originally posted by PalaniappanRajaram
Though there is a 99% chance that USPS will forward the card to your new address, that is an error on the USPS's part that you are relying upon! USPS is NOT supposed to forward any INS mail; they ought to be returned to INS.

The best course of action would be to file a change of address which you will be doing any way in order to remain compliant with INS rules.

I would rather do it right and bear the delay than try some short-cut and be affected by it.

My 2 cents ...
Good point, Sai! I remember seeing on INS mail "Do not forward" and this point had been stressed so many times by many including immigration lawyers. I can't say with absolute certainty that the envelopes still contain those words!

I can tell you this ... even if you file an address change form, call the service centers and have them confirm it, there still is a PRETTY good chance that INS will send it to your old address and USPS will religiously forward it to your new address :)
Thanks Palani !

So this is what we must do:-

1) Inform BCIS about the address change (AR11)
2) Use mail forwarding option with USPS (in case BCIS still sends it to the old address)
3) Send a letter to your old address with a self addressed envelope requesting the occupants to forward it

4) Make friends with the postal carrier and inform him to look out for BCIS mails and forward them.

Here are some previous posts that talk about this issue. People claim to have the INS mails forwarded to them in the past, but who knows ??
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Googled and found this in one of the threads ! Right from the Horse's mouth !!

Q? Will mail sent by BICS to my old address end up at my new address (if I put in a forwarding request to the USPS) or will it end up back at BICS?

Answer Dated: 2003-09-09

As a Postal Carrier, I can shed a little light. If the mail is NOT indicated with "return service requested" it should be forwarded for 12 months after your move. (Between 12-18 months your mail is returned to sender with your new address--no matter what.)

Since I deal with the BCIS in my personal life, in my duties as a Postal Carrier I tend to take notice when I see letters from BCIS and I have noticed that they are usually not endorsed as "return service requested" so they should be forwarded to you no matter where is the US you move.

I will also point out that in "high turnover" units such as apartments, there may be problems with getting the mail forwarded as sometimes inexperienced carriers may not have time to check all the "forwards" and some items may be delivered as addressed (even though you no longer live there) or returned.

If you think there may be a problem you may want to contact your old PO and have them ask the Carrier at your old address to watch for an "important letter" from the BCIS and be sure it gets forwarded. It may help.

I was lucky, I moved from my old route and know the Carrier who replaced me, so I KNOW she will be sure I get any of my mail that should be forwarded!

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Re: Your PLastic card

If anyone still has the BCIS envelope containing the plastic can he confirm this ??

Originally posted by Jaic
it seems have a do not forward stamp...........
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Hello, thanks for your responses, but what if the move is quite big like From NY to FL ?

can BCIS say anything if I change my address?

thanks again
Originally posted by super_yoshi_200
Hello, thanks for your responses, but what if the move is quite big like From NY to FL ?

can BCIS say anything if I change my address?

thanks again

To the best of my knowledge, all changes, no matter how far or just next door, are treated the same way by both the INS and the USPS.

As long as you are already approved, INS doesn't have any reason/need to question the change of address. Once you have been approved and your passport stamped you ARE a Green Card holder. The plastic is just a formal and a more permanent version of the stamp!