Need advice on problem with lawyer.


New Member
My lawyer and employer switched me to a new company (part of their company) without notifying me, which means that all paperwork for greencard application filed so far is worthless. What can I do about this situation? Is there any way I can salvage what progress I have so far without having to start from the beginning? I plan to retain another lawyer as soon as possible and want to know the best way to get the fee that I have paid my present lawyer back. Thanks!
There are really too many variables in this to advise you with any degree of accuracy in ths forum. A lot depends on the stage of the GC process that you are in and what the employer's plans are with you. It is certainly arguable that the attorney represents both you and the company and there could be an ethics violation here. You need to discuss this in detail with your former attorney, your new attorney and the company. State law determines attorney's ethical obligations and the requirements for fee arbitration or a written fee agreement.
Jim, thank you for the fast reply. I will certainly find out more from former attorney and my company about what they plan to do. I have not found a new lawyer in NYC. Do you have anybody that you can recommend in Manhattan? Again, thank you! I wish I had known about this forum sooner.
There are hundreds of good attorneys in Manhattan. Please contact me via email offline and we can discuss. Alot depends on what you are trying to accomplish and how much you are willing to spend.