Need a lot of Help!!!!


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Hi, I been married for almost 2 years now (since 11/14/2002) and I apply for the I-130 and I-485 based in marriage. At the time of my first interview my wife was on jail because of a DUI (she is the citizen) and we could not make it to the appointment, the second time that I was schedule for an appointment there was an error on the date and I could not go, but both times and she started to ask about her past and her boys's father and finallI presented a letter explaining the reason why we could not make it for the appointments. Finally we make it for the third one. I took the information required (income taxes, joint accts, health insurance, car insurance, bills - like electricity, phone, long distance- and pictures too)... But the problem is that she did not start the interview asking us about our relation, how we meet and all of that, she started digging on my wife's life (maybe because she is 15 years older than me)y she ask me for the documents that show that we lived together during 2002-2003, specifically the last month of 2002. But the problem is that i don't have anything besides the tax returns, because we started to put everithing under our names on 2003 (mid of march).

She gave me a letter that ask for:
-Evidence to show marital relantionship such us: joint income tax returns, life/health/auto insurance policies, mortgages, joint charge accounts, children's birth certificates, etc, from marriage to 2003.
-Proof from the jail that I visited my wife during 3 months that she was on jail
-Copies of my wife's tax returns from 1979-1985 (printouts from the IRS).

The problem comes to this point: I look and look everywhere and I can't find anything from that time. I have the other information, but not the proof from marriage to 2003. I only have pictures and tax returns from 2002.

Why should I do?
hi nbc,
how long did it take for you and your husband to get the tax returns?. Im in the process of doing that and its says up to 60 days?
Does it realy take that long?
willinghope said:
hi nbc,
how long did it take for you and your husband to get the tax returns?. Im in the process of doing that and its says up to 60 days?
Does it realy take that long?
I dont rememeber quite well, but we got them within 4 - 5 weeks. It's less then 2 months definitely. Further, We requested copies in March, 2003 just when IRS was getting close up of the financial year 2003 and they might have been loaded with more work. Now it probably will take less time for you. But they list the worst probability. So You should get them within less then 2 months.
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