Nebraska RFE doc... any hope!!!


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Dear Gurus,
I am attaching the document for my RFE from Nebraska. My background is as follows. Would love to get any feedback from the Gurus. Thanks in advance.

Phd Microbiology+ 5 years post doc US premiere lab in Marine Microbiology
~20 letters of recommendation (stating national/international acclaim contributions USA, Australia, US , Canada and India)+4 more, Spain, Japan Brazil, Current Boss… was not employed at the time the application was filed
7 publications(6 where I am the first author)+ one manuscript in preparation
11 proceedings
32 citations +61 new
4 times selection for talks by NASA
3 invited talks
Reviewer for 1 journal+1 new=2 Journal
1 grant review
1NSF scholarship to attend workshop
RFE reply


Just patiently go through each point and see how you can provide further documentation to make your case. Sit with your lawyer and see what your old letter looks like and then address your points.

Think of it this way, you have received a revise and resubmit from a journal, now you have to answer your reviewer’s comments. Just approach it the same way. Get some new letters, let them speak to how good you are and how you have achieved acclaim in your field. Emphasize your achievements, your talks, memberships, etc.

Go through the forum and look at previous posts/threads, there is lot of materials for help.

Best wishes
Thanks greengolum,
I appreciate your remarks and the way to look at the RFE. I agree a systematic approach for each point would be the way to go. Thanks again.
Your lawyer is not good enough. That's what I can say. He doesn't know what to focus and what to elaboratively emphasize. I think you should revise your cover letter. For some criterias, you are not stong and it should not be methioned at all. You simply give them the point to shoot at. Discuss with your lawyer and focued on most stong part. i don't know what you should do with those weak points. Also you met a very tough guy. But take it easy. Also although your new evidence will not count after your filing date, submit your new evidence anyway. It will give them diferent impression.

I got a similar RFE and I did replied (my lawyer). Any additional letter won't help. You have to submitt the material that the officer talking about. When I replied I don;t have any documents to prove sustained acclaim. But still i replied based on 1) extensice citation, talk at institutions, patents, citation on public websites, testimonials from industry, etc. After submitting two months, i got a deniel letter.

Then after a year I efiled the same petition to TSC and it got approved(EB1-EA).
Thanks MAP-MAP and eldhon, I appreciate your views.
I agree this a very rough person even after not going in for PP. I was also wondering if I can do an e-file if it goes to Texas, maybe withdraw the Nebraska case, like some in the forum have done. Just a thought any views will be welcomes.
PP and RFE

I talked to my lawyer various times about it, and they are of the view that there is no consistent evidence to show that PP leads to RFE, although many in this forum seem to think so. The actions of the services center are sufficiently random for us to make that judgement. Many individuals on non-pp EB1 have seen rfe's, it seems basically the luck of draw. It shouldn't be like that...but with more people from retro countries shifting to EB1A, the service centers have started to crack down, so I think. :(

Thanks MAP-MAP and eldhon, I appreciate your views.
I agree this a very rough person even after not going in for PP. I was also wondering if I can do an e-file if it goes to Texas, maybe withdraw the Nebraska case, like some in the forum have done. Just a thought any views will be welcomes.
Thanks Greengolum,
I agree, initially Nebraska was bogged down but now its different. Texas however has been good one.... I am thinking of e-filing also.
Hi AshEB1

I also got the similar RFE from TSC after E-file and PP. I did through the lawyer. Here are my credential.

Ph.D from Iindia in Microbiology

9 original articles (7 1st author, impact 3 to 4, mostly new in 06), 6 in submission (3 1st author)
1 invited review
1 chaper in conference manual
15 conference presenation
3 invited speaker
I patent just filed
4 journal reviewer (reviewed > 10 paper)
3 scientific society member (including ASM and Sigma Xi)
1 journal editorial board (not a great journal, but online new journal)
1 postdoc fellowship
1 travel grant
1 small grant from foundation
My FRE match > 90% to AshEB1, if needed i can post, guys please help me.. your help will be highly appreciated.
