ND 2001 Approved from NSC


Registered Users (C)
My dear frineds, just wanted to let you know that I have recieved my approval email yestreday from the NSC, 33 days after the Code 1 FP.

ND June 2001
Medical July 25th 2005
Bio Aug 5th 2005
Code 1 FP September 26th 2005
Approved November 29th 2005

How long does is usually take to receive the actual GC?
Dear Luka123:

Congratulations. I hope the same luck will fall on my head & all other mates.
You Sure 33 Days ????

Luka123 said:
My dear frineds, just wanted to let you know that I have recieved my approval email yestreday from the NSC, 33 days after the Code 1 FP.

ND June 2001
Medical July 25th 2005
Bio Aug 5th 2005
Code 1 FP September 26th 2005
Approved November 29th 2005

How long does is usually take to receive the actual GC?

Luka, Did you mean 63 days???? Cause from Sept 26TH till Nov 29TH it is not 33 days but 63 days after code 1 you received your approval mail. Am I right?
Well, congratulation anyway my friend. If I were you I'd have been so excited that made the same counting mistake. Just joking !!! Enjoy freedom my friend.
Luka123 said:
My dear frineds, just wanted to let you know that I have recieved my approval email yestreday from the NSC, 33 days after the Code 1 FP.

ND June 2001
Medical July 25th 2005
Bio Aug 5th 2005
Code 1 FP September 26th 2005
Approved November 29th 2005

How long does is usually take to receive the actual GC?

Good for you ! Cheers !