ND 03/2000 (IIO adds salt to the injury)


Registered Users (C)
EB2, India, PD: 08/96, RD/ND 03/2000, FP 04/14/2001
As though the waiting time was not sufficient:
this is what the IIO told .....

"After the FP, there is some mandatory 60 days Shelf Time" all cases go to this bucket and then when they remove this from shelp, it will be proceeded.

First of all we belonged to the cohort oct99 --mar00 where we received the FP notice after 1 year of so waiting...at that time they had indicated that once we would have FP done, the adjudication would be immediate.

What is this crap this IIO is mentioning about mandatory 60 days?
Did any of you hear this kind from an iio?
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There were a lot of discussions where people talked to iios and got the same reply - that the case will not be touched until 60 days from
FP.. However, I think it was 60 days from the ND on your finger print notice.. apparently this 60 days wait was to make sure that the results of the FP checking are available before adjudicating the application. Apparently Some FP service centers are manual and some are electronic and the manual ones take longer to get the FP results.
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I heard same story from IIO 60 days wait time one week back. My FP was done on 03/29/00. FP notice date : 2/23/01. He asked me to call back by July 1st if i didn\'t hear from INS. Then he will put a request to open my case. He also informed my FP is cleared and is in the system.

RD: 2/9/00 PD:5/19/99 FP:3/29/00
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When the case is not in final stage, such as approval, the IIOs are telling us to contact after 60 days just to avoid us. However, holding 60 days is done in some cases.
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what I posted was a summary of numerous discussions that were discussed on this board. People even pointedly wanted to know the FP date of the ones that got approved trying to prove/disprove the theory but nothing concrete came out of it. I did not say it was true or false. It was to let shanks know that there have been other people who got the same reply from IIOs and the explanations they each got from the IIOs for the 60 days wait.
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Thanks metoo.

I have seen some guys with FP 04/1 and ND somewhere 03/00 time frame in immitracker who has got GC approved.While some people get lucky, I think in general the wait period is true.

I cross compared from data in immitracker, I did not see that many
approvals for folks who got FP aroun 04/1/01 though 04/31/01.
(Most of the people who had ND from 09/99-03/00 India/China were getting FPs after 1 year or so)

Hopefully the approval day would come...soon
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my case is very similar to yours. RD/ND Oct\' 99. FP 04/19/01. When called INS during the last week of April), they gave me same 60-90 days wait period answer. She did tell me that they received the FP the same day and they look fine (was through electronic FP). I called after about 30 days of FP (around 3rd week of May) and was told that my case is pending (don\'t know what that means). The IIO was not very helpful.

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Hi guys,

the 60 day wait period is not set in stone. In my case (RD 10/4/99, EB2 India, PD 5/8/98 and FP 3/2/01), I was told that my case was on a shelf. My friend whose ND is 3/00 and did FP 3/24/01, PD 2/99 already got his GC (even plastic). His case was approved on April 26.

I called IIO\'s number of times and was given the same crap answer. Wait for 60 days from 3/2/01. So, i called after 5/2/01 which is 60 days after 3/2/01 and guess what, my case is tsill on the shelf. So, I contcated congresmans office and they sent an inquiry to INS VSC. The VSC now says they will take another 3 to 6 months to process my case. They claim there is a backlog of cases. I was always told wait 30 to 60 days for processing. But congressman enquiry changed to 3 to 6 months.

The f*(&^%# VSC guys are a bunch of liars, who do not know what they are doing?? why can\'t they just say on AVM - We don\'t know how long your case is going to take, but it will definetly be processed in 10 years time, if you are lucky.

Don\'t know what to do??? and just waiting and waiting and waiting and ........

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It is highly likely that the if the PD is current then the applications by the current ND could most surely be picked up for processing within 2 motnhs after the FP scheduled date.. I got approved in the same way... however, there could be few exceptions...
