

Registered Users (C)
I looked through messages in this forum and found that in many cases people wait for the background check already after having the interview. In my case, I received the invitation to the interview, but a month later came the interview cancellation note from the USCIS Field Center (Buffalo NY). It was already two months ago. I contacted the Center several times but the answer was always that not all of the replies have been received from the agencies involved in the background check and there is no way to expedite the process, so one can only wait.
I have the folllowing questions:
- are there more than one agencies involved in the background check?
- is the background check the same as the name check?
- how unusual is this situation and how to find out whether it is not just an error , typo, misunderstanding etc.?
- at what stage waiting becomes counterproductive and one needs to undertake actions such as inquiries that Mr. Kumar (thank him for his threads!) is writing about?

