Name is wrong on AP receipt. What to do?


Registered Users (C)
I applied for AP and when the receipt came back, my last name was spelled wrong. What can I do to correct it? It\'s impossible to get through the line at NSC and I heard that mail is really slow. Has anyone dealt with the same situation? Advice would be greatly appreciated!
Two options

1.Call NSC and talk to IIO and correct it And wait till u receive AP.
2.Or wait till u receive AP and then go to Local INS to fix it.

Option 1 Even though u will go through trouble of calling it will not garuntee the AP will have every thing correct.

Option 2 There is a gaurentee every thing will be correct. But u need to be little pushy to Local INS guys to get it done.

I went through Option 2.
Are you in Chicago?

Thanks a lot, OracleOracle. Did you go to the Chicago field office?