Name Check


Registered Users (C)
hello everyone! does anyone know a realistic time frame for a name check or is it case specific? Is Country of origin important in name check..? if it normal for people from Mexico to get stuck in name check?


feb 2007 - 485 and 765 receipt notice
march 15 2007 - fingerprints done in Charlotte, nc
june 8 2007 - EAD approved
june 15 2007 - received EAD in mail
August 3 2007 - first interview..pending, issue w/passport and visa
September 20 2007 - second interview ..approved..pending name check
The best time frame would be 1 to 100 months... :p Nobody knows...

As far as a country of origin... I would say it depends on the number of people from that country who have immigrated (legally or illegally) to the USA. And the amount of people who have the same name as you from that pool.

Example: I would think that someone that immigrates from "Bahamas" with the name of "Pratter Pointheless"... has LESS chances of being stuck in namecheck than...

"Juan Gonzalez" from Mexico.

Because there are lots of people called that same name, and lots of people from Mexico.

Don't feel bad.. we are stuck too. My husband is French so I don't know how many French people are immigrating here.... Prob not as many are migrating compared to Mexico... His name is rather common for a French man so maybe that has something to do with it.

I know..its frustrating to say the least.

Thanks guys for the info and support...i do have a very common name in common as John Smith in the i guess it would be hard to single me out from a long list...i'm still hopeful and optimistic..i believe God has a plan for each and everyone of us and i do not question the plan he chose for me....and once again thanks for your info and support!