Name Check Question. Read Please!!!


New Member
Hello everyone. okay I have a question regarding name changes and becoming an U.S. citizen. Can someone explain to me the whole name check process, and if there will be a chance of delayed citizenship processing if my name is changed prior to my 5 year period?
Is it if, as long as I have all the correct documents, there won't be any trouble? Such that I have my court-order document? Also, do I need to obtain a new birth certificate with my new name to show USCIS when I apply for citizenship?

Please search through various threads here which have explained the name check process in detail. Unfortunately, there is no predictability about getting stuckor sailing smoothly through the name check process
Yup, read through all the threads.

Basically, the USCIS passes your name (and other) information to the FBI. They feed it all in to a computer, and if you (or someone with the same or similar name and/or similar birthdate, and/or social security number) don't show up as a felon or a terrorist or other undesirable, you are good to go. If your name does get a hit, someone has to manually check everything and you get stuck in limbo for a couple of months to several years.

It is absolutely unpredictable as far as anyone can tell (lot's of folks have "oh, muslim names are worse" or "chinese names" or whatever - but, it's pretty much pulling the handle on a slot machine (in my opinion)).

Good luck