Name Change During N-400 Interview


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Just wanted to share that my wife had her interview today and informed the IO that she wanted to change her maiden name.

There were no issues. She was asked to sign the photograph with her new name and the name change will be effective during the judicial oath ceremony on 4/27/07.

So if someone is sitting on the fence about chaging the names during N-400 I would strongly suggest doing the name change. It is one of the easiest way to get the name change done and it will save you time and money if you have to do it through court order later.
Unless you are applying in California where name change is not permitted any longer and you'll have to do this either before you apply for Naturalization or after you've applied. :D

Did your wife ask for name change in the N-400 application?

Was she given the oath letter at the end of the interview ?


Did your wife ask for name change in the N-400 application?

Was she given the oath letter at the end of the interview ?


No. She did not ask for name change on the N-400 application. Reason? During those days(July 2006!) I had not done enough research on the N-400 name change thing and was worried about the name check black hole. As days progressed I gained enough understanding about the issue and concluded that chaging names during N-400 is like a walk in the park. So decided get it done during the interview and it saved me about $300 - $500 which was more than an insentive to pursue this and get it done.

She was given the oath letter at the end of her interview.
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I have a related question on name change. Apologies if the below is complicated but it is not an unusual occurance among Indian names.

My GC last name has my middle and last name (separated by a space) as the Last name. My Indian passport has it the way I want it(shorter last name). With my employer etc, I use the passport last name.

On N400 form: Item A) has current legal name
and Item B) has name as in GC.

Can I use A and B to fix the discrepency in my last name or do I have to go through a name change? The name is unique enough but I want to avoid inviting a name check!
During the interview, can this be discussed and closed?
I have a related question on name change. Apologies if the below is complicated but it is not an unusual occurance among Indian names.

My GC last name has my middle and last name (separated by a space) as the Last name. My Indian passport has it the way I want it(shorter last name). With my employer etc, I use the passport last name.

On N400 form: Item A) has current legal name
and Item B) has name as in GC.

Can I use A and B to fix the discrepency in my last name or do I have to go through a name change? The name is unique enough but I want to avoid inviting a name check!
During the interview, can this be discussed and closed?

Let me try here....

From your post let us assume your complete name(First,Middle,Last) is John Michael Smith then your GC has Michael Smith as the last name and John as your fist name and your Indian passport has John Smith as your name.

If I were you I would complete Item A as below:
Last Name: Smith
Given Name: John
Middle Name: Michael

Item B:
Last Name: Smith
Given Name: John
Middle Name: Michael

Regarding discussing these things at the interview your guess is as good as mine! Because some IO's during the interview really go out of their way to help applicants even though they don't have to and some IO's are not so friendly. So can't really say.

I don't see any reason why you should go through name change.

Just my 2 cents. Read and take actions as you see fit.

Actually, my passport has "John Michael Smith" entirely. Except that that "Smith" alone is the last name(surname). I want to check if I can get away with:

Item A as below:(called "current legal name" in the form)
Last Name: Smith
Given Name: John
Middle Name: Michael

Item B:(Has to be name exactly as in GC)
Last Name: Micheal Smith
Given Name: John
Middle Name: ---

If you wrote it together, the name would always be :
John Micheal Smith

Yes, there is a space in the entire last name as it stands on the GC.

JMS ( you changed my name!)

Item B:(Has to be name exactly as in GC)
Last Name: Micheal Smith
Given Name: John
Middle Name: ---

JMS ( you changed my name!)

In that case it would be safe to fill out Item B like you have said. But still I don't think you will have to go through the name change because your Nat. Certificate will be issued as John Michael Smith(without specifying which is First,Middle & Last name, unlike GC) and your name check will be done in all possible combinations of your First,Middle and Last name and any way you write your name all combinations will be selected(Just my guess!)

I know it is really frustrating. With these names you suffer for no fault of yours.

Hope things workout well for you.