Name change case - IIO says - it is under review - please share your thoughts


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Hi All,
   My I-485 is still under review after it was released from hold on June 19. As of now no RFE. My case was under review for more than 4 months before it was put on hold for a month.

    Since it is assigned to the same officer (per IIO), do you think he is just sitting on my case as he was doing it before it was put on hold?

   My case details :
       RD : Aug 99
       ND : Sep 99
       FP : Aug 2000
       No RFE
       I140 and I485 have different company name
       Proactive I-140 filed - Mid May, 2001
       IIO could not see the proactive I-140. Also she told me that officer is not going to
       wait for I-140 amendment.

    Wish you all good luck.

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Hi Mogoram!

I also got the same answer when I spoke to IIO Yesterday. He told me my case under review and asked me to call back after 30 days.

VSC PD 12/97 RD/ND 8/99 FP 8/00 ( Company Name Change)
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I have the same situation.

My I-140 got approved from one company and later
company changed the name and TAX ID.

I am ready to file for I-485. Will I have any problem
if I use the old company name?

What are my options now?

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I feel IIO\'s are giving standard answers because they think that they are going to approve/take some action on all cases by that time frame.
So just relax and after one month if they give same sh** Congressman and rip their flithy bu***.
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One of my friends case was exactly the same as yours. Company name was different on I-140 and I-485, his proactive ammended I-140 was filed 4 months before approval and his case was approved very well in time, no hold, no hassle.
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Most likely you have an RFE for updated employment letter coming. This has happened to many of us (company name change cases) who do not have amended I-140 in VSC system. I am not saying that will happen but it is a good probability. Please check with VSC.
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My company name also changed. Both my I-140 and I-485 have company\'s old name. I had RFE back in Jan. 2001. With that letter INS came to know about Company name change, SO they kept on hold. Now i think
they are processing those cases.
  I am wondering, whether I get any SECOND RFE.

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My case (RD 7/06, ND 7/18/00) is also under review for almost two months now. I think case status as "under review" involves some kind of scruitny or clarification. I have seen a pattern where the wait was over two months plus because of case being reviewed.
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One thing I can tell u is all the talking to IIO is utter scrap.

On june 29th one IIO tells me that the officer wanted to generate and rfe and decided not to do so.
On july second another officer tells me that they have generated an rfe on july 2nd and it will take 30 days to mail them.
On july 9th an officer tells me that the rfe was generated (God knows when) and most probably it was mailed on june 27th.

Can someone explain how to understand and analyse this B.S scrap.
If the last one is true then the officer generated a second rfe 1 day before the first RFE(ammended I-140 was approved). If my ammended I-140 which took 5 months to approve would have approved 1 day before or If the officer rechecked my file 1 day afterwards I would have probably got my I-485 approved. I just think that I missed the boat right at the post and so have to wait for another 6 months.

The way the winds of luck seems to go for me, I doubt if I will really be able to get anything till the end of the year.
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Hi everyone,

Mogaram one question for you? Did you talk to the IIO today morning?

Sri1--- You should listen to our story. We have always had PD current right from the day we filed our
485 in mid July 99. All the extra work we did to get our case in EB2 was wasted because of inefficient
INS. After putting our case on hold for 4 months for company name change they assigned it to officer
on June 19. I was told the next day that all preliminary processing is completed and that case is with
a "good officer". A week later I found out they generated rfe but do not know when it will be mailed out
When I complained about this painful delays to a Senator\'s office (I will not divulge the Senator\'s name)
I got an answer which sided with the INS saying that they were overworked and underpaid ( I did not
counter them by saying INS is not a charitable organisation and if these officers feel that they are
being underpaid they should look for work elsewhere)

Moral --- No use complaining to anyone. I have started wondering if this is even worth the trouble. These
are the best years of our lives wasted in worrying about something we have no control of.
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Hi All,
    Thanks for your replies.

     Hi Shraddha,
         I called INS once on June 26,2001 and again TODAY at 9:15AM(Eastern). Still they are looking at my files. IIO asked me to contact again after 30 days (standard reply). Are you RFEed? After all these delays and holds, now they are issuing the RFEs? Let God bless them. I do not know what will happen to my case. The worst part is they issued RFE to you after IIO confirmed for having completed the preliminary checks in your case. This is really bad. In my case, for a very specific question, she answered me that still they are looking at my files. This means that they haven\'t completed the preliminary check.

    It is really testing our patience. Let us pray the God to give us enough strength to face this.

      Wish You All Good Luck
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Hi Mogaram and SHRADDA

   Did you guys get RFE before they put on HOLD your files.

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Hi Mogaram,

   They have generated RFE - God alone where or which stage of "RFE Generation Process" it is in. We have not recd it. Nor has our lawyer. The IIO actually said a lot of good things : Everything looks good. I personally know the officer. He is a very good person..It will not be long now...and all that good stuff. I guess when this so called good officer saw my file he just turn from good to rfe generating machine.

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mogaram, I understand your anxiety. I am not going through any such issues like company name change. My case (RD 7/06) is pretty straight forward & my country falls under others. Still this review thing is dragging for quite some time now. I just don\'t know what the heck is this Review process??
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I sincerely believe that very soon there will be another Timothy McVeigh to bring down Vermont Service Center to dust. Only thing different will be that he won\'t be a US citizen. He will provide the news media a juicy story full of blood and limbs for next 4-6 years and bring the abrupt end to lives of hundreds of bastard IIO\'s who think they are god.

That way we all will come to know about their wives, kids etc... What they used to like or dislike. There will be plenty of pics in the magazines of these dead IIo\'s for us to see afterwards and we can admire their hard work for the justice department of USA. What a nice way to get to know these IIO\'s and their families.

Wish it happen sooner than later.
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Swamiji, just relax. I understand your frustration but just cool down man. Don\'t forget if you blow the VSC our records will also get blown. Just hang in there. Your approval is round the corner.
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I am also having a similar situation. On 25th June, I was told that "hold removed and case is assigned to an officer 2 day back" and should hear something in 30 days.

On 7/10, I was told that "Pulled for review on 7/9" and should hear in 2-4 weeks.

Can anyone tell me more as to how to interpret the above messages???

I dont know how many more steps to go thru before "officer opened first page of the case".

My case details are exactly same as yours
       RD : Aug 99
       ND : Sep 99
       FP : Aug 2000
       No RFE
       I140 and I485 have different company name
       Proactive I-140 filed - Mid May, 2001
       IIO could not see the proactive I-140.