Name change and house title


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Need advise on how to make change to the title of owned house with name changed. Does it require Title Company? What agencies are needed to notify? What's the proceure. Appreciate you sharing the knowledge and experience.
You don't have to change the paperwork. Your name change document from the court will identify you at any time as the person in the title of the house.

You can contact a title company. They'll do everything for you for cpl hundred dollars or you can go to your county office or call your mortgage company. It depends if your name is just on the title or on the loan also. If you are on the loan, too. Then your mortgage company will prepare the neccessary paperwork and send it to the title company, or closing agent can come to your home. If you are not on the loan then go to county's real estate departmment because you have to register new deed.
I'm in escrow with one of my properties, and since I'm still in the transition process of changing my name on bank accounts, bills, credit cards, etc., I sell it using my old name which is on the Grand Deed.

Trying to avoid complication and extra paper work I hope it is not going to cause me any problems.

IRS has both my names under same SS# so they won't loose their share.