N600 question


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I'm filling up a N600 form for my son and this question seems ambiguous -

Part 4 Information about US Citizen father

4. Country of Nationality -

This question seems kind of dumb, but I'm guessing they mean Country of Nationality before I became a US citizen ?

9B Information about US Citizen father's current spouse.

Here again it asks about nationality, my wife also naturalized with me. What would be the correct answer ?

Finally -

I'm guessing I need to fill in part 4 and leave part 5 blank ?

Part 4 is for US citizen father apply for a minor child while Part 5 is for US Citizen mother apply for minor child.

As mentioned in my post, my last plan is to fill out both part 4 and 5 (although you should be fine just filling out one of them) send both naturalization certificate copies but choose the first option in part 2.A. I mean that I am claiming citizenship for my son because either father or mother are U.S. citizens. I'll let them pick which one they want to use, mother or father ;)

I am going to use U.S.A. as country of nationality. I don't see any indication they mean prior citizenship. Perhaps this field is relevant for people who were citizens but now are not citizens anymore, I don't know. I would be interested to know what other people have done about this field.
By the way, the N-600 instructions explain it well:

"4. Country of nationality - Write the name of the countrywhere the U.S. citizen father is currently a citizen ornational. If the country no longer exists and/or you arestateless, write the name of the country where the U.S.citizen father was last a citizen or national."

There is only one case where they mean prior nationality, and that is at the beginning of the form, for the former country of nationality of the child. Part 3. field 7. The field says clearly that they mean the prior country before your child naturalized through you. Anyway, I'm still sticking on putting U.S.A. for both my wife and I, and on the spousal fields when it asks about citizenship of your spouse.

My 2 cents.
part 7 on form n600

I am filling N600 for my daughter who is under 18. On Part 7, I understand that I need to sign it for her. But whose name I should fill in under "Printed Name"? I guess it will be my daughter's. Still would like to double check.

Thanks for the answers in advance.
The instructions say:

Part 7. Your Signature.

If you are over the age of 18 years and you are filing this application for yourself, you must sign and date the application. If you do not sign the application, USCIS will return the application to you.
If you are under the age of 18 years and your U.S. citizen parent or legal guardian is filing the application on your behalf, your U.S. citizen parent or legal guardian must sign and date the application. If your U.S. citizen parent or legal guardian does not sign the application, the application will be returned.

I think the printed name should be your name, as you're signing the application on behalf of your child.

My 2 cents.