N600-K waiting for interview letter, already have B-2 visa


New Member
I submitted an N600K for my daughter over half a year ago and apparently this is still in "Initial Review" at NBC. Which means we have not received a letter of invitation. (Yes I am an American living abroad and my adopted daughter fits all the requirements of the application and this has been confirmed by our local (foreign) USCIS field office, so I know I'm in the right stream).

We return to the US for holidays and visits often, so she still has a valid B-2 visa issued here from our last trip. As we reside abroad indefinitely we are not desperate for her Naturalization to come through NOW, but decided to apply this time around because we thought that >6mos. between trips would be plenty for all the paperwork to be pushed through and that is the reason we requested for an interview date of mid-December (and subsequently booked our plane tickets to go back for our family Christmas during that period).

Now I'm sitting here with her application submitted, the NBC website showing it's in "Initial Review" phase, a valid B-2 visa for my daughter and our very expen$ive ROUND TRIP plane tickets. But no letter.

What are the implications? Is this a situation whereby we will still be okay to travel, but she won't be allowed to complete her Naturalization while we're there in December? If so, fine, but I just want to make sure we don't need to alert someone now that we want to re-schedule our requested interview date due to their slowness in granting us an interview. We wouldn't get the door slammed on our face at JFK Airport just because she's not in possession of an invitation letter would we? Again, I am an american citizen and she is my daughter in possession of a valid visa - surely that still stands?
You could try what this other poster did... make an Infopass appointment and go to the US to inquire about the case, bring the necessary paperwork (adoption decree, N-600K receipt notice, proof of your US citizenship and residence abroad etc.) and try to convince USCIS to complete the process in December while you and your daughter are still in the US. The other poster's compelling argument was the son's upcoming 18th birthday, your compelling argument is that you've already been waiting more than 18 months.

Since there was no positive response even calling the phone for information, I decided to make an appointment through the InfoPass. I traveled from Brazil to the USA with my son for this appointment.
I think that was my luck, the consultation took place on May 1. I was very well attended, explained my situation, that my son will turn 18 years old on May 20th, and asked the officer if there was a possibility of advancing the process.
The officer who attended me, found the process, that was still in Phoenix, and said that they would manage the process to come to NY (the selected office for the interview), and it would take about 7 days, but it would still have to be appreciated and that he could not tell me how long time they will take to do it and not even that we would had a chance of the petition be aproved.
As I had managed to stay for 10 days I decided to wait. In May,7th I received an email asking me to contact the USCIS NY via phone .I phoned to the indicated number and the officer asked me what time we could go there the next day(05/08).
So I went there in the mornig with my son , the officer that attended us asked a few questions confirming the information provided on the form, and after that asked us to wait outside . The time she returned with the oath to be signed and then handed the American flag for my son ,we were very happy and surprised!!
After that she asked him to repeat the oath with her and finally gave him the US citizenship certificate.
With your assistance I could realize the dream of my son!
I´m writing to thank your attention to my case!!! Thank you very much!!