N400 -- Residence Dates


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On the N400 we are asked to supply dates of residence for the 5 past years. Are these supposed to be current date to the past 5 years? Or by year?

For example -- we moved into our current house on 10/13/2003, so should I only put my current residence? Or should I account for all of 2003?

You should put all of the dates of places you lived in. Prior to moving to your new house, you lived in your old house. Put the dates for that too. And so on..
The form asks for the last 5 years only. From today (Nov 9 2008) to 5 years prior (Nov 9 2003) I've been at my current house.

You think I should put the prior residence even though it's outside the 5 year window?
Ah, missed that part. If you've lived in your current address for 5 years, you can just put that one. If you have any bills or letters from your old address take that to the interview just as a backup in case they ask where you used to live. I wouldn't worry much, though.