N400 marriage question


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I was going over the N400 form to help my friend understand it better. There was a question regarding marriage. It needed her to state all her spouses and if she is currently married (something like that). The problem with her is, when she left Hong Kong to come to America, she was still married. Her and her husband never got divorced. Now, she does not keep in touch with him and she doesn't even know if he is dead or alive.

How would she answer the marriage questions? Would she still say she is married? Because i think she'll need to provide a name and his address and other things, right? She does not know ANYTHING anymore about him. No phone number, no other relatives of his she can contact.

And another question regarding name check.
Those who have common names, their name checks usually take longer, is that correct?
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If she is legally married, she should say she is married (she might note that she is currently separated and out of touch with her husband). If she isn't married any more, she should list it as a former marriage.

(and, if she's still married, she needs to realize that she can never marry again in the US until she tracks down her husband and divorces him)

The important thing, always, in an immigration form is the TRUTH. It doesn't matter how unusual someone might think the truth is, that's what you need to put on the form.