N400 Mail Question


Registered Users (C)
I submitted N400 to Nebraska Service Center on 3/8 using USPS Priority Mail, and the delivery confirmation says it was deliever 3/10 at 6:37AM in the morning. I wonder where the mail could be left off that early in the morning. Would there be a place holder for these kind of application mails if nobody is there to accept them? Or should I be worried about possibilties such as it could be lost, delayed, etc. due to this abnormal delievery time??

Any input from anyone with similar experiences is appreicated.

I used usps priority mail because it has a delievery confirmation, so I know when and whether it gets to the destination. Would there be any problem with this mail? Or anyone used it?
applyUCS said:
I submitted N400 to Nebraska Service Center on 3/8 using USPS Priority Mail, and the delivery confirmation says it was deliever 3/10 at 6:37AM in the morning. I wonder where the mail could be left off that early in the morning. Would there be a place holder for these kind of application mails if nobody is there to accept them? Or should I be worried about possibilties such as it could be lost, delayed, etc. due to this abnormal delievery time??

Any input from anyone with similar experiences is appreicated.

Why are you getting all paranoid about it? Do you know for a fact what are their hours? Why would you think that it is an abnormal delivery time? They receive thousands of letters every day. They probably have this stuff automated, not even using an actual signature but a rubber stamp. If you want to worry about "possibilites", please go ahead, nobody can stop you.