N-400 Hartford DO


Registered Users (C)
The old Hartford tracker seems to have died down. Lets feed some new blood to keep it running. My timeline is as follows:

PD: Aug 9, 2006
FP: Sep 5, 2006
IL: Awaited

Just wondering if someone with similar timeline has received an interview letter.

i have been stuck since Apr 2006.

called congressman's office, and a lady working there says deal with it!
Did you receive interview letter?

You say you were stuck from April 2006, did u receive interview ltr? Did they send N-14?

zamindar said:
The old Hartford tracker seems to have died down. Lets feed some new blood to keep it running. My timeline is as follows:

PD: Aug 9, 2006
FP: Sep 5, 2006
IL: Awaited

Just wondering if someone with similar timeline has received an interview letter.


Hi, my PD is September 1st, No letter yet

still waiting. since April. no interview. no nothing. last communication was "you suck, you miserable twit. you ain't ever getting an IL. go forth and suffer!". just kidding. but, they might as well have said it since that's what is happening.

thinking of going on a hunger strike in front of the Hartford office. need to lose some weight anyway. after it gets a little warmer.
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Congrats on finally getting the IL. I am still waiting.

Thank you!

Isn't it strange how they process it? Your PD is almost a month ahead of me. Maybe because mine is through marriage?

Well, anyways, I may miss my interview... I'm pregnant and due last week of March. We kept thinking to postpone it, but the problem is that we don't know what new date they will give, and I may still be pregnant or in recovery then. So we decided to keep the interview date. It is kind of gamble, but we will just pray that baby doesn't decide to be born around same time.
It sucks, I even talked to doctor about it, and he suggested to risk it.