N-400 College Student Employment Question


New Member
I am filing N-400 and had a quick question about the employment category. I was a college student for the past 4 years and had several paid TA/mentoring/office assistant positions. Do these need to be listed as separate jobs in that section or can I just say I was employed by my university for the 4 years I was in school? If I list them separately, it would be around 16 total positions that are each around 4 months with some periods of time (ex winter break, summer break) when I was not working. If it makes a difference, some of these were the same position within the same department across multiple semesters and some of them were different positions within different departments and shorter in duration (only one semester). Should I maybe group them by position? It seems excessive to list all 16 when my school is the employer for all of them, but I also wanna make sure to do this correctly. Any advice is appreciated!