N-400 Application Sent back


Registered Users (C)
If anybody was in the same boat
GC approved on 6/17/2002
Was out of country for 57 days in 2005
Sent my N-400 app - post marked on 3/2/2007
N-400 sent back on 3/7/2007
Reason - require to maintain resident status for 4 yrs and 9 months.

I agree that I sent my application few days early....but it is just 15 days shy of 4 yrs 9 months....did anybody got their application sent back because of this. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. When should I send it back - end of March 2007:confused: :mad: ?

If anybody was in the same boat
GC approved on 6/17/2002
Was out of country for 57 days in 2005
Sent my N-400 app - post marked on 3/2/2007
N-400 sent back on 3/7/2007
Reason - require to maintain resident status for 4 yrs and 9 months.

I agree that I sent my application few days early....but it is just 15 days shy of 4 yrs 9 months....did anybody got their application sent back because of this. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. When should I send it back - end of March 2007:confused: :mad: ?


I heard of ppl being in similar shoes like yours....a little impatient or screwed up calculation. Nothing shocking....you mailed your application early - created yourself more work & worry.

USCIS literally looks this as a matter of days. You have to be laser-precise.

In your case,

Add 6/17/2002 + 4yrs 9 months ~ around 3/17/2007.....

So in about 5 days from now, you will be able to file.

HOWEVER, PLEASE, PLEASE.....do not play with this and make it a game of hitting the "exact date". No need to be THAT impatient...leave some wiggle room. If you could wait 5 yrs, you can wait a little more.

If I were you, I would literally wait 1 whole month or at minimum 3 weeks past the calculated deadline. If I were you, I would apply around 4/17/2007.

Good luck!

P.S.: I'm not a lawyer or an immigration expert. I'm just an ordinary guy. You are soley responsible for your actions.
Thank you Superstring!
Do you know when the fee hike is going into effect? Is it April 1st 2007?

Thank you Superstring!
Do you know when the fee hike is going into effect? Is it April 1st 2007?

My understanding is that the scheduled fee hike will take place in June.

However, this is under the assumption that 90 days "public comments" period does not change timeline and that Congress remains "slient" about this issue. I think that public comments period expires April 2. Sen. Kennedy has already expressed his disatisfaction with the hike, but I do not think he will be able alone to stop it.

Monitor USICS.gov site....USCIS has to post an offical cut-off date and warning to all applicants.

My gut feeling is that you can avoid it.....

Good luck!

P.S.: I'm not an immigration expert or lawyer. I'm just an ordinary guy. You are soley responsible for your actions.
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If anybody was in the same boat
GC approved on 6/17/2002
Was out of country for 57 days in 2005
Sent my N-400 app - post marked on 3/2/2007
N-400 sent back on 3/7/2007
Reason - require to maintain resident status for 4 yrs and 9 months.

I agree that I sent my application few days early....but it is just 15 days shy of 4 yrs 9 months....did anybody got their application sent back because of this. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. When should I send it back - end of March 2007:confused: :mad: ?


my application was sent back 2 days shy of the 4yr-9months. A little patience will save you some headache.
If anybody was in the same boat
GC approved on 6/17/2002
Was out of country for 57 days in 2005
Sent my N-400 app - post marked on 3/2/2007
N-400 sent back on 3/7/2007
Reason - require to maintain resident status for 4 yrs and 9 months.

I agree that I sent my application few days early....but it is just 15 days shy of 4 yrs 9 months....did anybody got their application sent back because of this. Any comments will be greatly appreciated. When should I send it back - end of March 2007:confused: :mad: ?

Follow Superstring's advice. Make sure to check that no mistakes are there on your N-400. Some areas where mistakes occur on N-400:

1. Not putting in the correct gender/height/weight etc. This is on Page 3 of N-400.
2. Time outside the US. This is on Page 4 of N-400.
3. Part 11. Signature. This is on Page 10 of N-400. You have to sign your full name not the abbreviated name which is used for checks.

About your photos:
1. They have to be Colo, front facing and color.
2. In Pencil, on the back write you name and A #.
I've even hear people having theirs returned 1 days before they could offically apply (90 days before their date). I knew about this and also knew it's not 3 months but exactly 90 days. I didn't take any chances and sent it in a week after my 2yrs 9 months (87 days) and I was fine. Yes as mentioned they will do everything litterly. When they say 90 days, they mean 90 days not 91 days.

After all that my interview was a few days too early too, and like with the above, they do that exactly as it says, so I wasn't able to get my oath that day (even if my 3 years was just a few days away) and ended up having to wait another month and a half before getting it...