N-400: anyone have a bad interview or knows someone


Registered Users (C)
I have question regarding N-400 iterview (citizenship interview): Does anyone have a bad intriew or knows someone who has rough interview?
You will need to be specific to get any useful answers here. What do you mean by bad or rough interview ? Some of the members here have posted their interview experiences that didn't exactly go smoothly (fortunately I am not one of them) but each of them had something that complicated matters for them. If you have any specific concerns, please post them here and we can try to help.

I have question regarding N-400 iterview (citizenship interview): Does anyone have a bad intriew or knows someone who has rough interview?

I agree with kagemusha as your question is too broad and we are not sure what is on your mind. Yes, there have been bad interviews posted on this board even leading to N-400 denials but that is based on Eligibility issues (applying too early) or other issues with the applicants (child support, DUI, lying under oath, etc.).

Is there any issue/complication with (yours or someone's) N-400 application/ eligibility/ past experrience?
I mean got rejection based on anything (eg working on F1 visa, did not change or update AR-11 (change of address), etc. Thanks
Bad , Tough and Worse


I think you mean 3 types of interviews:
1. Bad - IO shouted and was impolite.
I did not see any posting for above kind.

2. Tough - IO was ok but asked for many things. some went through some were given N-14 asking additional info.
I saw a few postings of the above type but they were just asked for traffic disposition etc, or they had 2 A files which delayed decision.

3. Worse - Interview was short and deportation proceedings began.
I saw 2 posts of this kind recently. One lady posted that she was denied for no good reason but she did not elaborate on that. (her english was very poor). In the other post that guy admitted that he worked illegaly here while on F1 visa and he got deportation papers for that.

I have observed only these types so far.

If you think your case is complicated please consult an attorny before filing N-400. better safe than sorry.

Just my 2 cents.
As previously posted, several of use had IOs go into some detail on specific issues. In my case, it was my travel history with respect to my residency etc. However, it was not "bad" or "tough". I had all the answers he needed.

Others have some issues regarding legal matters (incl. tickets on rare occasions), marital status, tax issues etc. However, again, these are often not "bad" .... the IO is simply doing his/her job.

The critical lesson learned is GO PREPARED !!!!! See other posts for elaboration of this.
The critical lesson learned is GO PREPARED !!!!! See other posts for elaboration of this.

Exactly the same thought was bubbling through my mind :)
Most of the time potentially tough interviews are made easier by having the necessary answers and documentation on hand to immediately appease the IO. Failure to provide the required answers either leads to a N-14 and the opportunity for a second attempt to sort out the mess, outright denial or worse.
The trick (I think) is to re-read the guide, re-read the instructions and re-read your application. If you are really nervous, read the Field Adjudicator's manual (boatbod reguluarly posts links). Then put yourself into the shoes of an IO and try to guess what he/she might ask. Have documentation ready for any question.