N-400 And Employment Dates. Need Help Please!


Registered Users (C)
:) Hi again
has anyone had a problem with the employment dates? I have worked part time in the last 5 years in 3 companies but for the most part been a stay at home mom. one company for which i worked has changed management and revamped. I do not have my exact hire date or end date of employment. none of the management i worked for is there anymore. what do i do? has anyone filled out the n-400 with an estimated start and end date? please help with any advise or experience.
thanks so much!
Do the best you can with whatever information you have available. It's unlikely you'll get into an in-depth discussion of employment dates with the IO unless there is some other problem you haven't told us about. Mostly however, employment information is only used by USCIS as supporting evidence for residency claims and validating employment-sponsored GC.