N-400 - Addresses in last five years


New Member
N-400 - Asks to write down addresses where you lived in last five years (including foreign country).

I have lived in India twice in the last five years for five months each time. I still had my apartment in the USA during that time.

I think it would be wise to mention the addresses in India since the period was long, 5 months each time.

Will this cause any issue in processing of the application? Especially FBI checks and such.

Does anyone have similar experience.


As your stay in India was temporary and you maintained your permanent residence in the US, you should not put it in the list of addresses. In fact, doing so may raise questions regarding maintaining status of LPR.
swairagade said:
N-400 - Asks to write down addresses where you lived in last five years (including foreign country).

I have lived in India twice in the last five years for five months each time. I still had my apartment in the USA during that time.

Aibolit is spot on. You only need to provide your permanent addresses. Since none of your 5 months stays were permanent residences, you don't need to provide the Indian address.