N-14 Question... please help...


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My wife had her interview last week. She has a speeding ticket and had to appear in traffic court as it was in a school zone. So the IO asked her for the court document during her interview. He said that she can come in and drop the court record with the A # at the front desk of the USCIS office.

So a couple days later I dropped of the court document (a copy from the public records website) to the front desk of the USCIS office in Indy.

Now the officer has sent an N-14 requesting an original / certified copy from the court. My questions are as follows:

1> Should I mail the document again or is it enough that I dropped the copy of the court document personally?

2> The N-14 asks for originals but when we called the court they said that the only way to obtain records was via the web site. They said they don't provide any other documentation. So is the copy available online sufficient or should I try to get some more documents?

Thanks in advance for your help.

He might have received what you have dropped, but they need a copy certified by the court. If you go there personally and explain them showing the N-14, I'm sure they'll hook you up.
Drop of a Certified copy along with N-14 this time.
panaik - I have sort of same situation. Though my interview is a month away.

The county where I received ticket has a public website where I can see my case, traffic school and fine etc. I had attached printouts taken from the website with my N400. When I noticed that some IOs might ask for certified version of the disposition, I called the court. Similar to your case, my court also didn't have anything official that they normally give out. The best they said they could do was, take the copy of what's available on the court's website. Stamp and certify them and send it to back to me for a fee of $25. I was asked to send a self-addressed envelope along with the check. So I am guessing that it won't have a seal. We'll see..
By seal, do you mean a sealed envelope with a stamp across the sealed edge?

seal as in a blue colored stamp. sometimes red color maybe. sometimes embossed. but usually something to say that the country / state / country / president has authorized it.
no ... not a sealed envelope.