MyLaddor, Bhanu, and others GURUS, Please answer....


Registered Users (C)
My company is playing games with us. They are not giving our original copies of Approval letters. With log of haggling they now gave us courtesy copies. My question can we go stamp with courtesy copy at NEWARK. Anybody in this board Please reply. Thanks in advance.

No Title

I do have similar problems, company not giving originals, much more that too. However, you can go to INS with courtesy copies.
No Title

I think Newark doesn\'t accept Courtesy copies. I suggest you to call any lawyer to find out possible steps to get the originals. Lastly, if nothings looks promosing with an independent lawyer then try talking to local INS office and complain to then about the SOBs (excuse my French)..

No Title

I have seen posts that says that Newark does accept courtesy copy and one person said that he himself got his stamp with a courtesy copy. Check the posts for the last month and half.

I would suggest calling the Newark office and also, may be, taking a chance with the courtesy copy. If they refuse, you can always go back and if they allow, you are a free bird!!!