My thoery on approvals


Registered Users (C)
This is typical of INS as I have been following over the last many months. If a case is assigned in the first go to an officer, than it gets adjudicted within that month or by the beginning of the next month ie, either it is approved or RFE or NOID (in rare case).This happens in 40% cases (approx).

Once that inital surge is over and the next month starts, the first bunch of cases for the next month RD gets assigned to officers and the previous month's remaing cases are then left in the workload distribution area.This is typically done to show that INS approving october cases in October and very efficient.There is no reasonable justification otherwise to leave many sept. cases even unassigned and approving october cases.

This has been a trend for the last three months atleast and is happening now for sept cases. At this point , the remaining sept cases are either with officers ( the lucky ones) and the left overs are in staging area waiting to be distributed. At this point there is no distinction between sept RD or October RDs and once november comes , then november RDs will also gets mixed up here. This explains why some very unlucky august RDS are still unassigned.

Once INS crosses over to the next month, they would stop recognizing your case even as the previous months RD and they start going by ND. For eg. now remaining sept RD will be told as November cases by most IIO's and you can do nothing about it but to agree with them.

Just will have to wait and watch.