My Parents got rejected under 214(b) 3 Times.. Need help


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I am trying to get my parents B1(visiting visa) since July 2005 and they got rejected for three times. Their most recent visa rejection was in June 2006 in chennai. They also appeared in Jan 2006 (Chennai) and July 2005 (Delhi). All the times they got rejected because Visa Officer is not convinced that they will return back to india after their stay. Both my parents are 60+ years of age and my family is big and well established in India. My parents also visited almost 6 countries in east Asia.

I am trying to reschedule their visa appointment once again and I seek your valuable inputs for few questions in this regards

1. Is there any limit on number of visa appearences in a year?
2. If I approach any immigration attorney, is that going to add any value for stamping?
3. My parents told me that in their 2nd and 3rd Visa appearence Visa Officer verified something in his computer and rejected their visa saying the same reason why it was rejected for the first time. So, just wondering how many days they are going to maintain that history?

Thanks for your help in advance
i think we shall try to find some way where we can prove that the visitor is gauranteed to return to home country........i want to get my parents and i am a bit concerned that there is no way we can prove otherwise......i wish they can ask us to sign a bond for so and so money which they can have it if my parents do not go back after the limited stay....

but i think they are trying to even stop people from living the lawful six months.....go out then come back for another six months.......since right now there is no rule to stop people they are using this visa denial to force this rule...