My job Search Experience


New Member
I was one of the many who was'nt exactly thrilled reading the experience of the job scenarios narrated by many desis. I realized after reading that the most important thing to do was

1) Start job preparation atleast 6 months in advance.

2) Identify a location of settlement and scan the major job sites monster, workopolis, hotjobs and compile a list of most sought after skills and acquire them. I did it by attaining java certifications

3) Create an outstanding resume with every accomplishment highlighted and experiecne detailed.

4) Get 2-3 good postive references from your peers from current employment.

5)STOP READING NEGATIVE POSTS!!!. It can be a big dent in your confidence.

I posted my resumes on all the major job sites and I got response from mostlly recruiters like CNC,Ajilon etc and only one employer.I had two client interviews. I did well in both of them but one of them took forever to get back.Finally on 1st of september 2004 at 2:00pm I got the most memorable phone call of my life and took a while to dawn that I had just realized a dream !!!!